TEEC arbeitet mit vielen Universitäten und Instituten zusammen.
University of Aachen: RWTH
BGR (German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources)
Forschungskollegium Physik des Erdkörpers e. V. (FKPE)
GEOMAR (Research Center for Marine Geosciences)
University of Berlin: Institute for Applied Geosciences
University of Campinas (Brazil), Institute for Mathematics
University of Clausthal: Institute for Geology and Paleontology
University of Clausthal: Institute for Geophysics
University of Clausthal: Institute for Mineralogy and Mineral Raw Material
University of Erlangen: Geozentrum Nordbayern
DGMK (German Scientific Society for Oil, Gas and Coal)
GFZ (Geo Research Center)
University of Karlsruhe: Institute for Geophysics
University of Kiel: Institute for Geophysics
WIT (Wave Inversion Technology)
Delphi Consortium
Landesamt für Bergbau, Energie und Geologie (LBEG)
University of Hamburg